TeachableMoment Lessons



Activities to support students' social and emotional learning and restorative practices

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Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

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Tips & Ideas

Guidance and inspiration to help build skills and community in your classroom and school

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Social & Emotional Learning & Restorative Practices
Current Issues
Current Issues
Tips and Ideas
Tips & Ideas

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Students share holiday traditions and experiences, and acknowledge the range of emotions that accompany the season.

Students discuss evidence that meat production contributes to climate change, explore efforts to make food systems more sustainable, and share their own consumption choices.

Students learn about the demonstrations that have spread across Iran demanding women's rights and discuss how they relate to what is happening in other parts of the world

An unusual hurricane season opens up an exploration of the climate crisis and steps toward climate justice. 

Students celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by uplifting - and making a gallery of - all things Hispanic in our lives.

Educators learn about the neuroscience of storytelling and experience for themselves a storytelling activity they can use with students. The activity is the first session in our

Air travel is becoming one of the worst contributors to climate change. In this activity, students read about and discuss the impact of air travel on the climate crisis and what we

Students anonymously share their anxieties about the new school year, consider how to support each other, store their findings in a "time capsule" that they revisit later in the

If you're looking to honor Labor Day and working people in your classroom, consider these lessons from our collection. 

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Watch, read about — and try! — this 'snippet of magic' for younger elementary students. 

Looking for engaging activities on amazing women and their movements? Here’s our collection!  

How can we turn a rough day with students into a teachable moment? Here's one teacher's strategy for a "reset" that promotes accountability. 

School boards around the country are embroiled in controversies on issues ranging from the rights of transgender students to teaching on race. Should students have a say on school

Young people are exposed to more troubling, tragic, and controversial events than ever before, often starting at a young age. Here are steps we can take to address upsetting events

11 tips to help you take care of yourself.