We are delighted to welcome two new staff members to our team: Asja Culpepper and Mariah Schwarz!
August 26th is Women’s Equality Day, a national day of celebration commemorating the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. This two-part lesson consists of two readings which…
After an activity on adultism and ageism, students read about and discuss why the U.S. Congress has become older than ever, what impact that might have, and how young people could get more involved.
At a time when many of us are feeling bombarded by disturbing news, it can help to remember all the people who are working to bring joy and justice to our world.

Our Work

We partner with district leaders and school leaders to…

Build community

Build community in their schools and classrooms

Strengthen students’ social and emotional skills

Strengthen students’ social and emotional skills

Increase equity through restorative practices

Increase equity through courageous conversations on race

Our Approach

Together with educators, we create joyful, productive, and equitable schools by weaving together three approaches:
Students doing a Heart Story activity

Young people and adults learn and practice skills to help them do well in school and in life.

Students doing a Heart Story activity
Students in a Building Belonging circle

Young people stay connected through processes that foster a caring and equitable school community.

Students in a Building Belonging circle
Racial Equality

School staff increase their cultural competency and ensure that school systems and structures elevate every child.

Racial Equality

What does equitable public education look like? 

Watch our brand new video to learn about how we work to center equity, joy and justice every step of the way.

Watch with Spanish subtitles.

I can't thank you enough for all the resources, support, and encouragement! This program is breathing new life and meaning into my teaching. It is bringing new conversations into our teaching lives and friendships. 

Y. Gray, Robert F. Wagner School, Manhattan

The impact of this work is apparent in our data, including our academic performance and surveys of teachers, students, and parents, which show how much trust there is between students and staff.  Suspensions are now a rarity in our school. We don’t need suspensions to sustain student engagement and respect.

Patrick Burns, Principal, MS 217, Queens

The circle helps me connect with the students and the school and the staff. My favorite moment is when everyone comes together, becomes a family…and just shares.

Fredy, 12th grade student, Green School, Brooklyn

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What's New?

Fresh TeachableMoment lessons, readings & announcements
We are delighted to welcome two new staff members to our team: Asja Culpepper and Mariah Schwarz!
Students are coming to school with many emotions. How can we help them name their feelings and start getting to know each other? 
Who are you? You may be asking this when looking at all the new faces in your classroom at the beginning of the school year. You may also be asking: How can we, as a classroom community, encourage each other to answer this question authentically, peeling away the many layers that comprise who we are? 
Who are you? You may be asking yourself this when looking at all of the new faces in your classroom at the beginning of the school year. You may also be asking: How can we, as a classroom community, encourage each other to answer this question authentically, peeling away the many layers that comprise who we are?