
Students learn about how much coverage the media are providing to different presidential candidates and discuss why coverage of the candidates varies so widely.  

This lesson, which requires two class periods, aims to help students understand why people come out, and the impact coming out can have on both a personal and societal level.  Students will read and discuss the statements by two celebrities who recently came out (Anderson Cooper and Frank Ocean) and...

Students view a clip from Colbert's Comedy Central show about his Super PAC, then read and discuss several views on the role of Colbert's spoof of the election process.

The widely hailed documentary about a French teacher and his elementary class is a paean to conformity, says reviewer Maxine Phillips.

Students develop skills and understandings to make them more critical readers, listeners and viewers.

After a brief reading and a sampling of news reports, students consider the role of bias and opinion in the news.

Readings (including an abridged dictionary of the war) and activities to encourage critical thinking.

Three brief student readings (with suggestions for discussion) focus on the use of unnamed and potentially unreliable sources and journalists' need to protect sources.

Most Americans get their news from sources owned by profit-driven media conglomerates. Three student readings (with discussion questions) examine the impact of the bottom line on the news business.

Original quotes and discussion questions to open a class exploration of media issues.