
Why did President Trump fire James Comey? This activity briefly explores the news and the debate.   

With Republicans gaining control of all three branches of the federal government, unions are under increasing attack. For students, this raises some pertinent questions: What are unions? Why are they important? And how will the attack on unions affect working people in our country?  

Students discuss key issues in the evolving story over links between the Trump administration and Russia with a short quiz, reading, and discussion.  

This activity has students step into the shoes of voters whose views they may not agree with - and roleplay a dialogue.

Students consider how the Republican and Democratic Parties have evolved over time — and whether a new 'realignment' is happening today.  

After a quick quiz, students learn about the candidates' tax proposals and discuss our nation's complex and contentious tax policies.   

In the wake of recent anti-Muslim attacks by Trump and others, students read and discuss profiles of diverse Muslim Americans, consider how they may be feeling about recent events, and read a letter to "Non-Muslim Allies" about ways to stand up for those who are being targeted.