TeachableMoment Lessons



Activities to support students' social and emotional learning and restorative practices

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Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

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Tips & Ideas

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Social & Emotional Learning & Restorative Practices
Current Issues
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Tips & Ideas

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U.S. workers are rethinking their relationship to work in the Covid era. Students explore why many Americans are quitting their jobs, or striking for better pay and more respect.

A collection of ideas and links for teaching on the anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

This circle activity invites students to appreciate each other, using as inspiration the Zulu greeting Sawubona, which means “We see you.

Students learn about the science of gratitude - and one person's effort to express gratitude to every person along the supply chain who made their morning cup of coffee possible.

Students engage in a series of activities to explore the question of body image and how our society affects the way we feel about our bodies.

Students learn about the life and legacy of Toni Morrison and discuss how her 1987 book Beloved is both frequently taught and frequently subject to calls for censorship. 

Students consider how the assumptions that we make about other people can be hurtful, and practice curiosity to help them understand another person’s experience.

What is "throwaway culture" — and how do we participate in it? Students explore 'planned obsolescence' and a countering movement for the 'right-to-repair.'

November is Native American Heritage Month. In this activity, students examine a small portion of the history of the Wahzhazhe people, known as the Osage, by delving into two

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Air travel is becoming one of the worst contributors to climate change. In this activity, students read about and discuss the impact of air travel on the climate crisis and what we

Students anonymously share their anxieties about the new school year, consider how to support each other, store their findings in a "time capsule" that they revisit later in the

If you're looking to honor Labor Day and working people in your classroom, consider these lessons from our collection. 

How should educators acknowledge the anniversary of September 11th and educate students about the events of that day and their impact? 

This lesson for middle and high school students is intended to offer joy and inspiration, and the opportunity to be in community with peers. 

After a spate of school shootings in the U.S., students examine the evidence and consider: What works to reduce gun violence in schools?